If I went back to the family in 1930 I would bring them. Food from 2018 like chocolate,pizza,pies,clothes and more because they don't have much money. Also I would bring a PS4 a TV for the kids and adults. Because they might not have anything that entertains them and because those items were not made in 1930's. I would also bring 1 million dollars for them/ I would save my money for them. I would bring them stuff daily like after school. I would play with the kids keep them entertained I would bring them WI-FI. Pretty much everything that was not made or to expensive stuff that was not made or to much money. I will give them $100 every week so they have enough money for there family. I would treat them like my family and loads of other stuff. And I would stay the night if the kids or adults wanted me to. In other words I would bring them what ever they want. After all they are human and the kids would want some nice lollies and the adults would like to see them happy. I would also pay there rent and stuff. So that's what I would bring them.